rusty fish
October 4th 2025
8:30am METRIC Race
10:30am 1/2 METRIC
12pm Kids
After years of R&D the good fellows of NOMI Racing have figured out that the world could be traversed in a loop rather than a single line. Thus, the 2024 Rusty Fish is now loop-able!
The Rusty Fish was designed to show Manistee County that off the beaten path gravel and trail-ways can interconnect to a much broader Northern Michigan Trail system. The Rusty Fish routes showcase our beautifully wooded forest areas and scenic rivers.
As the RF has continued to develop, going from a singular 100 mile there and back – originally Manistee National Golf & Resort to Iron Fish Distillery and back.
One of our greatest assets here in Manistee County is also a hinderance to our routes in some ways. The river crossings are miles and miles apart which generally means having to route through High Bridge Road in order to connect to the north part of the county.
While we have tried to make the RF routes as accessible as possible they are always changing, maybe one year featuring countryside, another deep forest, or following a river.
if you want to know exactly what you are going to accomplish.
2024 Routes have varied from what we’ve had in the past.
You will find mixed surfaces including pavement, gravel, sandy gravel, two track, and straight up sandy two tracks.
The Full Metric will provide a challenge – as will the 1/2 Metric. We’ve been able to keep the hills to a minimum but there will be some sticky sand in areas, especially if it is dry.
SIGN-UPFull Metric
62.5 miles
8:30am start
6 hour time limit
10 miles per hour minimum
1,369 ft of Elevation
63% unpaved
1/2 Metric
36.5 miles
10:30am start
4 hour time limit
10 miles per hour minimum
784 ft of Elevation
71% unpaved
Yes Running – like on your legs
26.3 miles
9am start
5 hour time limit
591 ft of Elevation
58% unpaved
The West Michigan cycling community has had great debate over the years for wheel size, tire width, and tire tread. At the inaugural Rusty Fish 100 riders had a full range of the gravel spectrum from 38mm to 4”, from deep tread to slicks.
Not too helpful for making decisions but here are some thoughts to help.
First off – Welcome to West Michigan sravel (sandy-gravel)! Gravel has a wide range throughout the country and throughout the world, some is chunky rock, some is pea gravel, others could be debated for cement, while we have a mix of sand and sandy clay.
For all routes there could be of the softer variety of sand. – the 2021 & 2022 races had very minimal soft sand
Tire width – do I ride skinnier and faster tires and possibly walk or hike a bike? do I ride fat tires and plow through everything?
If you are unsure or not comfortable in soft areas 2.4” or as wide as your gravel bike can fit would be stable especially if this is your first gravel event.
We’ll use the Dyllan, James, Zach chart to investigate.
Dyllan runs 45c and debates whether he has even seen sand. – we’ll say that he does A-ok with that setup.
James runs 38mm and has great distain for sand.
Zach Rides 1.9” and is generally comfortable riding through sand but it wasn’t always that way – took a lot of practice. UPDATE: 45mm on the front and 42mm on the back is pretty darn close to ideal.
Tread – low tread is more than sufficient – the three of us haven’t used slicks but we have friends that we ride with that swear by them.
Packet Pick-up
Packet Pick-Up!
Morning of packet pick-up will be race day from 7:30am to a half hour before race starts – 8:30am METRIC Race | 9am RUSTY FISH MARATHON | 10:30am 1/2 METRIC | 2pm Kids
Rusty Fish Routes
Course is considered OPEN ROAD!!! please use standard, cautionary cycling practices while on the course!
SAG Vehicles are not allowed on the course!
This is a basic description of the terrain of all RF routes, there may be some variance depending on our weather conditions – a few sprinkled in tidbits will be thrown in as well.
As described from Start to Halfway – Besides the loop heading into the halfway just reverse it for the Return Route 😊
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for video route previews!
The route starts at Manistee VFW Walsh Post 4499 where you will dip down into the river valley and through Stronach on pavement where you’ll have a good chance to get those legs warmed up! Traveling out of the river valley and out of civilization you’ll follow the river, that is how we get to grandmother’s house isn’t it?
*Little River Rd is where it is at! Generally speaking as well as knocking on wood this is our crème de le crème of gravel roads, you’ll either be at full race pace here or hopefully taking in the beautiful fall colors as the road follows the river.
We then cut through the woods and possibly some softer spots – when we say softer spots it is best to go cautious and size your tires up, one day it might be smooth sailing – the next, put your swimsuit on and lay your towel down.
*in the grand scheme of the courses the soft spots are very limited in distance.
USE CAUTION! If your chosen distance route crosses M55 please note the route is open road and M55 is open so please look both ways and stop if needed!
AID STATIONS! Yes there are aid stations with water/gatorade and some food items. They are located roughly halfway through each route.
Route Links, Files, Cues, and other Navigation Resources
Rusty Fish Metric Route – Start time 8:30am
AID STATION: Norman Township Crystal Lake Park and 9 mile bridge
Final Route links:
.GPX .tcx .fit files for download.
Cue sheet download
Rusty Fish 1/2 Metric Route – Start time 10:30am
AID STATION: 9 mile bridge
Final Route links:
.GPX .tcx .fit files for download.
Cue sheet download
Rusty Fish Marathon (Running) Route – Start time 9am
AID STATION: 9 mile bridge
Final Route links:
.GPX .tcx .fit files for download.
Cue sheet download
Custom Cue Sheets will be provided at packet pickup as well, they will be simplified and easy to read.
Route Markers and Signs! The 1/2 metric and Marathon routes will be fully marked and have volunteers, the longer route is considered unsupported but will have a few signs indicated that you are indeed on the correct route.
Police help will be there to guide the start from Manistee VFW Walsh Post 4499 through Filer City to Little River Road, remember the roads are open though they are there to keep everyone safe.
Volunteers will also be along the 1/2 metric & Marathon routes providing directional help at a few of the turns.
Rusty Fish Fry Kids Race – Start time 12pm
The Rusty Fish Fry Kids Race takes places at Manistee VFW Walsh Post 4499.
This is all about having fun! Our number 1 goal is that the kids have a great time!
The course is roughly 1/3 of a mile.
October weather should be fairly mild for us, lows in the upper 30’s to 40’s and highs in the 50-60 degree range. There is quite a bit of forest protection for a good portion that will cut the wind or help protect if it should rain.
In the event of severe weather we would try our best to delay and get the race off and running, we cannot provide refunds should we have to cancel as a lot of the merch and race costs are paid for up front.
Sunrise: 7:49am
Sunset: 7:18pm
The Rusty Fish takes place during daylight hours so we are not requiring lights, because this is an open road course we would like to encourage safety tail lights.
In the event of severe weather we would try our best to delay and get the race off and running, we cannot provide refunds should we have to cancel as a lot of the merch and race costs are paid for up front. In the crazy event that the weather is in fact so severe we can’t do the race we will have an unofficial Rusty Fish Route ride – unmarked and unsupported the day after – Oct 9th.
Volunteers will be along the route, start/finish area, and checkpoints. They are not stopping or directing traffic in any way! Please use your own judgement and cycling awareness to navigate cross-roads safely.
SAG Vehicles are not allowed on the course.
SAG help is allowed at the Aid stations, start/finish, and halfway points. SAG help will not be allowed on the course otherwise.
at Manistee VFW Walsh Post 4499 from noon to 3pm
Yes it is open to the public! Bring friends!
You’ve made it! Now it is time to listen to the music, sit back and enjoy a Rusty Fish IPA from North Channel Brewery, have some food and relax!
If you have any questions hit us up on Facebook or Instagram we’ll answer to the best of our ability.